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Degree ceremony was held in the college for 2017 graduates.



Degree ceremony


Prof. Chaohe Yang awarded degree for graduate


Group photo of teachers presented

On Jun. 24th, degree ceremony of College of Chemical Engineering was held in Yifu auditorium.Vice dean of college-prof. Xinmei Liu hosted the ceremony,and dean of college-prof. Chaohe Yang, vice dean of college-prof. Fang Huang, prof. Chaocheng Zhao, prof. Zhenbo Wang, prof. Xinmei Liu and dean associate-prof. Dong Liu, all of them awarded degree for 640 graduates and 284 master graduates.

At the beginning of ceremony, all presented sang national song. Then, dean-prof. Chaohe Yang congratulated all graduates for graduating and appreciatedthose teachers, parents, friends, who paid a lot on these graduates. He said:“in the spring sports meeting, college gains two champions in a row on A group, B group and also wins team title. It had been 20 years since the last time we continued to hold a post, and it is your effort to make this come true. With time flying by, four years agowhen you hold the letter of admission, you are a member of the college. Now, you have graduated and experienced a lot in the campus. I wish all of you will have a good career in the future.”At last, Yang said:“the college will be your home forever, welcome to come back and look around the campus..”

After Yang’s statement, prof.Chaohe Yang and prof.Fang Huang awarded degree for postgraduates.Prof.Xinmei Liu and prof.Chaocheng Zhao awarded degree for graduates of Chemical Engineering & Technology major and Environmental Engineering major, respectively. Prof.Zhenbo Wang and prof.Dong Liu awarded science degree for Applied Chemistry graduates,additionally, they also awarded engineering degree for Process Equipment&Control Engineering and Environmental protection equipment engineering major graduates.

In the end, doctor degree gainer Yanru Liu and bachelor degree gainer Shaolei Zhao gave a representative statement. They both appreciated the university for cultivating them and showed their unwillingness to leave. Graduates’ parents were invited to attend the ceremony. After ceremony, graduates and parents took photos in memory of this moment.