姓名:王刚 | 职称:特任副教授/硕导 | |
系属:环境与安全工程系 | 最高学位:博士 | |
学科:环境科学与工程 | 所学专业:环境工程 | |
电子邮箱:wangg@upc.edu.cn; wangg150425@163.com | ||
地址邮编:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号,中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院,266580 | ||
个人主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gang-Wang-121 | ||
【学习与工作经历】 2019.11~至今 中国石油大学(华东) 化学工程学院 特任副教授、硕导 2017.09~2019.10 清华大学 环境学院 博士后 2011.09~2017.06 北京工业大学 环境与能源工程学院 博士 2007.09~2011.06 德州学院 化学系 学士 【教学课程】 《大气污染控制工程》、《环境监测》、《环境系统工程》 【研究方向】 大气污染是一个区域性的环境问题,本质上是由SO2和NOx等多种污染物排放引起的多重环境问题相互耦合。课题组长期围绕大气复合污染开展研究工作,基于“综合观测系统—多尺度高分辨率污染源排放清单—气象与空气质量耦合数值模拟系统”等技术手段,探索大气复合污染形成机制、制定精细化污染管控方案以及建立长效联防联控机制。主要研究方向包括: 1. 大气复合污染成因及来源解析 2. 污染源排放表征及环境影响评估 3. 区域多尺度污染传输规律 【承担/参与科研课题】 承担了大气重污染成因与治理攻关课题、国家自然科学基金、校引进人才科研基金及其他课题十余项,并作为主要人员参与了国家重点研发计划和国家自然科学基金重点项目等十余项,代表性课题如下: 1. 中国生态环境部大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目,细颗粒物和臭氧污染协同防控“一市一策”,2021.05~2023.04,课题负责人 2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,典型燃烧源细颗粒物及气态污染物排放规律研究,2019.01~2021.12,项目负责人 3. 中国石油大学(华东)人才引进项目,山东省高分辨率污染源排放清单和颗粒物来源解析,2019.11~2022.10,项目负责人 4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,典型燃烧源脱硫过程中颗粒物排放规律研究,2018.05~2019.09,项目负责人 5. 国家重点研发计划,多尺度高时空分辨率污染物排放及变化趋势,2018.07~2021.06,科研骨干 6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于AMDAR及综合观测数据研究大气边界层结构变化与重污染过程相互影响,2016.07~2018.12,参与 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,改进冷凝生长技术以提高1-3纳米大气颗粒物检测效率,2019.01~2022.12,参与 8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,海陆风环流背景下港口船舶排放大气污染影响特征研究,2016.01~2019.12,参与 9. 中华人民共和国环境保护部,首都机场区域大气污染物排放特征及其对周边空气质量的影响研究,2014.01~2016.12,参与 10. 中华人民共和国环境保护部,河北省重点城市细颗粒物空气质量持续改善与管理技术研究,2014.01~2016.12,参与 【荣誉及学术兼职】 1. 山东环境科学学会理事(2020.10~2023.09) 2. 西海岸新区第四批高层次人才(2021) 3. 德州学院化学化工学院客座教授(2020.08~2023.08) 4. Guest editor, Atmosphere(2021) 5. Environmental Pollution, Journal of Environmental Management, Atmospheric Environment等期刊审稿人 【学术论文】 2021 1. Wang, G.,*Zhu, Z.Y., Zhao, N., Wei, P., Li, G.H., Zhang, H.Y. Variations in characteristics and transport pathways of PM2.5 during heavy pollution episodes in 2013–2019 in Jinan, a central city in the north China Plain. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 284. 2. Zhao, N., Wang, G.,*Li, G.H., Lang, J.L. Trends in air pollutant concentrations and the impact of meteorology in Shandong province, coastal China, during 2013-2019. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2021, 21(6): 200545. 3. Zhao, X.Y., Wang, G., Wang, S., Zhao, N.,* Zhang, M., Yue, W.Q. Impacts of COVID-19 on air quality in mid-eastern China: An insight into meteorology and emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 266. 4. Qu, S., Fan, S.B., Wang, G., He, W.Q., Xu, K.L., Nie, L., Zhao, Y.C., Zhu, Q.C., Li, T.T., Li, G.H.* Air pollutant emissions from the asphalt industry in Beijing, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 109: 57-65. 5. Lv, Z., Liu, X.Y., Wang, G., Shao, X., Nie, L., Li, G.H.* Sector-based volatile organic compounds emission characteristics from the electronics manufacturing industry in China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2021, 12(7): 101097. 2020 1. Wang, G., Deng, J.G., Zhang, Y., Li, Y.J., Ma, Z.Z., Hao, J.M., Jiang J.K.* Evaluating airborne condensable particulate matter measurement methods in typical stationary sources in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(3): 1363-1371. 2. Wang, G., Deng, J.G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Duan, L., Hao, J.M., Jiang J.K.* Air pollutant emissions from coal-fired power plants in China over the past two decades. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 741: 140326. 3. Zhao, Na., Wang, G.,* Li, G.H., Lang, J.L.,* Zhang, H.Y. Air pollution episodes during the COVID-19 outbreak in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China: An insight into the transport pathways and source distribution. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 267: 115617. 4. Ma, Z.Z., Duan, L., Jiang, J.K., Deng, J.G., Xu, F.Y.,* Jiang, L.H.,** Li, J.H., Wang, G., Huang, X., Ye, W.Q., Wen, Y.C., Zhang, G., Duan, N. Characteristics and threats of particulate matter from zinc electrolysis manufacturing facilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 259: 120874. 5. 邓建国, 王刚, 张莹, 李妍菁, 段雷, 蒋靖坤*. 典型超低排放燃煤电厂可凝结颗粒物特征和成因. 环境科学, 2020, 41(4): 1589-1593. 6. 李妍菁, 邓建国, 王刚, 张莹, 蒋靖坤*. 固定源可凝结颗粒物稀释采样器的设计. 环境科学学报, 2020, 40(5): 1656-1660. 7. 张莹, 邓建国, 王刚,李妍菁, 续鹏, 蒋靖坤*. 典型钢铁焦化厂可凝结颗粒物排放特征研究. 环境工程, 2020, 38(9): 154-158. 2019 1. Wang, G.,#Ma, Z.Z.,# Deng, J.G., Li, Z., Duan, L., Zhang, Q., Hao, J.M., Jiang J.K.* Characteristics of particulate matter from four coal-fired power plants with low-low temperature electrostatic precipitator in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 662: 455-461. 2. Liu, C., Hua, C., Zhang, H.D., Zhang, B.H., Wang, G., Zhu, W.H., Xu, R. A severe fog-haze episode in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: Characteristics, sources and impacts of boundary layer structure. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2019, 10: 1190-1202. 3. 蒋靖坤*, 邓建国, 王刚, 张莹, 李妍菁, 段雷, 郝吉明. 固定污染源可凝结颗粒物测量方法. 环境科学, 2019, 40(12): 5234-5239. 2018 1. Wang, G., Deng, J.G., Ma, Z.Z., Hao, J.M., Jiang J.K.*Characteristics of filterable and condensable particulate matter emitted from two waste incineration power plants in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 639: 695-704. 2. Yang, X.W., Cheng, S.Y.,*Wang, G., Xu, R., Wang, X.Q., Zhang, H.Y., Chen. G.L. Characterization of volatile organic compounds and the impacts on the regional ozone at an international airport. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 238: 491-499. 2017 1. Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y.,* Wei, W., Yang, X.W., Wang, X.Q., Jia, J., Lang, J.L., Lv, Z. Characteristics and emission-reduction measures evaluation of PM2.5 during the two major events: APEC and Parade. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 595: 81-92. 2. Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y.,* Lang, J.L.,* Yang, X.W., Wang, X.Q., Chen, G.L., Liu, X.Y., Zhang, H.Y. Characteristics of PM2.5 and assessing effects of emission-reduction measures in the heavy polluted city of Shijiazhuang, before, during, and after the ceremonial parade 2015. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2017, 17(2): 499-512. 3. Lang, J.L., Cheng, S.Y.,* Wen, W., Liu, C., Wang, G. Development and application of a new PM2.5 source apportionment approach. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2017, 17(1): 340-350. 4. Jia, J., Cheng, S.Y.,* Liu, L., Lang, J.L., Wang, G., Chen, G.L., Liu, X.Y. An integrated WRF-CAMx modeling approach for impact analysis of implementing the emergency PM2.5 control measures during red alerts in Beijing in December 2015. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2017, 17(10): 2491-2508. 5. Yang, X.W., Cheng, S.Y.,* Li, J.B.,** Lang, J.L., Wang, G. Characterization of chemical composition in PM2.5 in Beijing before, during, and after a large-scale international event. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2017, 17(4): 896-907. 6. 徐冉, 郎建垒, 程水源*, 王刚, 杨孝文. 首都国际机场移动源大气污染物排放清单研究. 安全与环境学报, 2017, 17(5): 1957-1962. 7. 刘晓宇, 郎建垒, 程水源*, 王晓琦, 王刚. 北京市冬季PM2.5污染特征与区域传输影响研究. 安全与环境学报, 2017, 17(3): 1200-1205. 8. 田亮, 魏巍, 程水源*, 李国昊, 王刚. 典型有机溶剂使用行业VOCs排放特征及臭氧生成潜势研究. 安全与环境学报, 2017, 17(1): 314-320. 2016 1. Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y.,* Lang, J.L., Li, S., Tian, L. On-board measurements of gaseous pollutant emission characteristics under real driving conditions from light-duty diesel vehicles in Chinese cities. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 46: 28-37. 2. Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y.,* Wei, W., Zhou, Y., Yao, S., Zhang, H.Y. Characteristics and source apportionment of VOCs in the suburban area of Beijing, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2016, 7(4): 711-724. 3. Cheng, S.Y.,*Wang, G., Lang, J.L.,* Wen, W., Wang, X.Q., Yao, S. Characterization of volatile organic compounds from different cooking emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 145: 299-307. 4. Wen, W., Cheng, S.Y.,* Chen, X.F., Wang, G., Li, S., Wang, X.Q., Liu, X.Y. Impact of emission control on PM2.5 and the chemical composition change in Beijng-Tianjin-Hebei during the APEC summit 2014. Environment Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 4509-4521. 5. Wen, W., Cheng, S.Y.,* Liu, L.,**Wang, G., Wang, X.Q. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in Tangshan, China-hybrid approaches for primary and secondary species apportionment. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(5). 6. Chu, B.W.,* Liu, Y.C., Ma, Q.X., He, H.,**Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y., Wang, X.M. Distinct potential aerosol masses under different scenarios of transport at a suburban site of Beijing. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 39: 52-61. 7. Lang, J.L.,* Zhou, Y., Cheng, S.Y., Zhang, Y.Y., Dong, M., Li, S.Y., Wang, G., Zhang, Y.L. Unregulated pollutant emissions from on-road vehicles in China, 1999-2014. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 573: 974-984. 8. Wen, W., Cheng, S.Y.,* Liu, L.,** Chen, X.F., Wang, X.Q., Wang, G., Li, S. PM2.5 chemical composition analysis in different functional subdivisions in Tangshan, China. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2015, 16(7): 1651-1664. 9. 王晓琦, 周颖, 程水源*, 王刚. 典型城市冬季PM2.5水溶性离子污染特征与传输规律研究. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36(8): 2289-2296. 10.杨孝文, 周颖, 程水源*, 王刚, 王晓琦. 北京冬季一次重污染过程的污染特征及成因分析. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36(3): 679-686. 11.姚森, 魏巍, 程水源*, 王刚, 张晗宇, 陈国磊. 轻型汽油车VOCs排放特征及其大气反应活性. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36(10): 2923-2929. 12.姚森, 韩力慧, 程水源*, 王刚, 王晓琦. 采暖季北京市主要大气污染物变化特征. 北京工业大学学报, 2016, 42(11): 1741-1749. 13.李松, 郎建垒, 程水源*, 李国昊, 王刚. 典型固定燃烧源颗粒物成分谱特征研究. 安全与环境学报, 2016, 16(5): 312-319. 2015 1. Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y.,* Wei, W.,* Wen, W., Wang, X.Q., Yao, S. Chemical characteristics of fine particles emitted from different Chinese cooking styles. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2015, 15(6): 2357-2366. 2. Wang, G., Cheng, S.Y.,* Li, J.B.,* Lang, J.L., Wen, W., Yang, X.W., Tian, L. Source apportionment and seasonal variation of PM2.5 carbonaceous aerosol in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2015, 187(3): 1-13. 3. Zhou, Y., Cheng, S.Y.,* Chen, D.S., Lang, J.L., Wang, G., Xu, T.T., Wang, X.Q., Yao, S. Temporal and spatial characteristics of ambient air quality in Beijing, China. Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2015, 15(5), 1868-1880. 4. 王刚, 魏巍, 米同清, 王澎涛, 栾英男, 程水源*, 李国昊, 李松. 典型工业无组织源VOCs排放特征. 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(7): 1957-1964. 5. 王刚, 郎建垒, 程水源*, 姚森, 王晓琦. 重型柴油车PM2.5和碳氢化合物的排放特征. 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(12): 3581-3587. 6. 王刚, 韩立慧, 程水源*, 郎建垒, 温维, 刘超, 杨孝文. 典型城市夏季碳组分污染特征与来源解析. 北京工业大学学报, 2015, 1(3): 452-460. 2014 1. Wei, W., Cheng, S.Y.,* Li, G.H., Wang, G., Wang, H.Y. Characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from a petroleum refinery in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 89: 358-366. 2. Wei, W., Cheng, S.Y.,* Li, G.H., Wang, G., Wang, H.Y. Characteristics of ozone and ozone precursors (VOCs and NOx) around a petroleum refinery in Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26: 332-342. 3. Lang, J.L., Cheng, S.Y.,* Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y.L., Wang, G. Air pollutant emissions from on-road vehicles in China, 1999-2011. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 496: 1-10. 4. Li, G.H., Cheng, S.Y.,* Li, J.B.,** Wei, W., Wen, W., Wang, G. Characterization of ambient ozone and its precursors around a coking plant. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186(5): 3165-3179. 5. 温维, 韩力慧, 代进, 王刚, 刘超, 程水源*. 唐山市夏季PM2.5污染特征及来源解析. 北京工业大学学报, 2014, 40(5): 751-758. 6. 李国昊, 魏巍, 程水源*, 温维, 王刚. 炼焦过程VOCs排放特征及臭氧生成潜势. 北京工业大学学报, 2014. 40(1): 91-99. 7. 李国昊, 魏巍, 程水源*, 王海燕, 王刚. 气象条件对夏秋季炼油厂附近臭氧及其前体物的影响. 安全与环境学报, 2014, 14(2): 249-253. 8. 李国昊, 魏巍, 魏峰, 程水源*, 温维, 王刚. 夏秋季节焦化厂附近大气中臭氧及其前体物变化特征和臭氧生成潜势分析. 环境工程学报, 2014, 8(3): 1130-1138. |