






















2019–2023韩国延世大学,化工生命工程,博士(导师:Il Moon院士)

2018–2019美国德州农工大学,化工系Mary Kay O'Connor过程安全中心,联合培养















[1] 过程系统工程:化工过程系统集成、人工智能/生成式学习辅助系统优化、技术经济性分析/LCA

[2] 能源系统工程:Power-to-X、液态CO2/空气储能系统、化工过程脱碳与电气化

[3] 化工安全工程:新能源/储能系统安全;过程故障检测与诊断






[1] 山东省博士后创新人才支持计划,风光发电制燃料过程的灵活性设计集成及不确定性优化,SDBX20230202023-2025,在研,主持;

[2] 校自主创新科研计划项目,基于卡诺储能的热--甲醇联产系统特性研究,2023-2025,在研,主持;

[3] 韩国国家研究基金会 (NRF) 优秀资助项目,Renewable   energy-based green hydrogen/ammonia production with an energy grid   optimization2022R1C1C10035172022-2025,骨干成员。








[1]   M Kim, D Lee, M Qi*, J Kim*.   “Techno-economic analysis of anion exchange membrane electrolysis process for   green hydrogen production under uncertainty”, Energy Conversion and   Management, 2024, 302: 118134.

[2]   M. Qi, D. N. Vo, H. Yu, C-M.   Shu, C. Cui, Y. Liu, J. Park*, I. Moon*. “Strategies for flexible operation   of power-to-X processes coupled with renewables”, Renewable and   Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 179: 113282.

[3] M.   Qi,C. Cui, H. Yu, T. He*, D. Zhao*. “Synergies between Carnot   battery and power-to-methanol for hybrid energy storage and multi-energy   generation”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 430: 139548.

[4]   J. Kim1, M. Qi1,   J. Park*, I. Moon*. “Revealing the impact of renewable uncertainty on   grid-assisted power-to-X: A data-driven reliability-based design optimization   approach”, Applied Energy, 2023, 139: 121015.

[5]   M. Qi, M. Kim, L. Yin, Y.   Liu, J. Park*, I. Moon*. “Proposal and surrogate-based cost-optimal design of   an innovative green ammonia and electricity co-production system via liquid   air energy storage”, Applied Energy, 2022, 314: 118965.

[6]   M. Qi, J. Park, R. S. Landon,   J. Kim, Y. Liu, I. Moon*. “Continuous and flexible Renewable-Power-to-Methane   via liquid CO2 energy storage: Revisiting the techno-economic   potential”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022, 153:   111732.

[7]   M. Qi1, J. Park1,   I. Lee*, I. Moon*. “Liquid air as an emerging energy vector towards carbon   neutrality: A multi-scale systems perspective”, Renewable and Sustainable   Energy Reviews, 2022, 159: 112201.

[8]   M. Qi, J. Lee, S. Hong, J.   Kim, Y. Liu, J. Park*, I. Moon*. “Flexible and efficient   renewable-power-to-methane concept enabled by liquid CO2 energy   storage: Optimization with power allocation and storage sizing”, Energy,   2022, 256: 124853.

[9]   M. Qi, Y. Liu, T. He, L. Yin,   C-M. Shu*, I. Moon*. “System perspective on cleaner technologies for   renewable methane production and utilisation towards carbon neutrality:   Principles, techno-economics, and carbon footprints”, Fuel, 2022, 327:   125130.

[10] C. Cui, M. Qi*,   CM. Shu, Y. Liu. “Rigorous dynamic simulation methodology for scenario-based   safety analysis of pressure-swing distillation considering independent   protections”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 172, 282–304.

[11]M Qi1,   K Jang1, C Cui, I Moon*. “Novel control-aware fault detection   approach for non-stationary processes via deep learning-based dynamic   surrogate modeling”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023,   172, 379–394.

[12]M. Qi, Y. Liu,   RS. Landon, Y. Liu, I. Moon*. “Assessing and mitigating potential hazards of   emerging grid-scale electrical energy storage systems”, Process Safety and   Environmental Protection, 2021, 149, 994–1016.

[13]M. Qi, J. Park, J. Kim, I.   Lee*, I. Moon*. “Advanced integration of LNG regasification power plant with   liquid air energy storage: Enhancements in flexibility, safety, and power   generation”, Applied Energy, 2020, 269: 115049.

[14]M. Qi, Y. Kan, X. Li, X. Wang,   D. Zhao*, I. Moon. “Spurious activation and operational integrity evaluation   of redundant safety instrumented systems”, Reliability Engineering &   System Safety, 2020, 197, 106785.

[15]M. Qi, J. Zhu,   J. Xu, D. Zhao*, Y. Liu. “Investigation of inherently safer design through   process intensification: novel safety assessment methodology and case study   in C3–alkyne hydrogenation distillation process”, Industrial   & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 12: 4866–4880.

[16] T. Zhu, M. Qi*,   M. Yin, J. Dang, X. Zhang, D. Zhao*. “On the hazards of proton exchange   membrane (PEM) water electrolysis systems using system theoretic process   analysis (STPA)”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 180,   1118–1131.

[17] J. Wang, M. Qi*,   S. Liu, D. Zhao*. “Assessing and mitigating potential hazards of emerging   grid-scale electrical energy storage systems”, International Journal of   Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 66, 479–489.



[1] 戚萌; 刘义; 崔承天; 张志威,一种利用可再生能源联产氨电的系统及方法,中国,ZL 202210244855.3

[2] I. Moon; J. ParkM. QiLNG regasification process and liquid air   energy storage,韩国,10-2328760







[1] C. Cui, M. Qi*. Chapter 10. Dynamic Safety   Analysis of Intensified Extractive Distillation Processes with Independent   Protection Layers,Control and   Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical ProcessesWILEY, 2024.6

[2] B.H. Nguyen, L. Grazia*, M. Qi, D.N. Vo. Chapter 2-20023.   Shell and tube gas-cooled reactors for methanol synthesis,Comprehensive   Methanol ScienceELSEVIER, 2024

[3] Z. Zhang, M.   Qi*, D.N. Vo*, M.T. Phong. Chapter 6-60024. Dehydration of methanol to   dimethyl ether (DME): plant, process, operation, and equipment,Comprehensive   Methanol ScienceELSEVIER, 2024






[1] 2023年,山东省博士后创新人才支持计划;

[2] 2023年,全国大学生化工安全设计竞赛二等奖-指导教师;

[3] 2021年,韩国BK21优秀研究员;

[4] 2018年,国家留学基金委公派奖学金;












1.    指导研究生情况







担任Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and   Management, Energy, Cryogenics, 全球能源互联网(英文)等期刊审稿人