

















1999-2003, 陕西师范大学化学与材料科学学院,理学学士

2003-2008, 中国科学院化学研究所,理学硕士/博士

2017-2018, 曼彻斯特大学,访问学者


2008.7-2010.11, 中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院,讲师

2010.12-2022.11, 中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院,副教授

2022.12-今, 中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院,教授


研究聚焦于应用胶体与界面化学,截至2024年,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,省部级项目3项,横向科研项目20余项。在Coordin Chem RevChem Eng JACS Appl Mater InterfacesJ Colloid   Interface SciLangmuir等高水平期刊发表SCI论文120余篇,H因子31。授权国家发明专利21项,其中2项实现成果转化。所研发特种油料已通过小试/中试生产和现场试验,并落地使用,获省部级科技进步奖一等奖。具体研究方向如下:

[1] 新型肽基生物两亲分子设计和有序组装体的构筑及其药物/基因载体/动物疫苗应用

[2] 有机/无机杂化材料、互穿网络凝胶材料等的研发及其在胶黏剂/弹性体制备中的应用

[3] 基于分子识别的镧锕系元素分离提取及放射性物质防除实验及分子模拟研究

[4] 纳米功能材料的制备及其在日用化学和油田化学等领域的应用


n  代表性纵向科研项目:

1)          基于多肽组装构筑Cas9-sgRNA核糖核蛋白递送载体,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022-01-012025-12-31,主持。

2)          基于多肽/DNA超分子组装构筑的人工病毒,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-01-01—2022-12-31, 主持。

3)          两亲性短肽的细胞内自组装研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015-01-01—2018-12-31,主持。

4)          肽核酸(PNA)基两亲分子的设计、合成及性质研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2011-01-01—2013-12-31,主持。

5)          完全氨基酸构成的Gemini两亲分子的设计、合成及自组装,山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2010-01-01—2012-12-31,主持。

6)          Gemini型肽基双亲分子的设计、合成及自组装行为研究,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,2010-01-01—2012-12-31,主持。

7)          多肽/核酸共组装构筑人造病毒及其基因转染应用,北京分子科学中心创新研究项目,2018-09-01—2020-08-30,主持。

8)          生物响应性药物载体的构筑及应用,自主创新科研计划项目,2017-01-01—2019-12-31, 主持。

9)          PNA-DNA相互作用及其AFM单分子力谱研究,自主创新科研计划项目,2013-06-01—2015-05-31,主持。

10)      双子型多肽表面活性剂的设计、合成及自组装,自主创新科研计划项目,2009-12-01—2011-12-31,主持。


n  代表性横向科研项目:

1)          仿生纳米酶促进二氧化碳水合速率效果评价,中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院,2024-01-172024-12-31,主持。

2)          高端日常洗护产品的微观结构及机理研究,宝洁(北京),2023-08-312026-09-30,主持。

3)          微乳液理化性能表征/微乳液微观结构分析,中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院,2023-01-052023-10-31,主持。

4)          复合纳米驱油剂研制与评价,中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院,2022-11-072023-06-30,主持。

5)          表面修饰多孔硅基材料定制合成,中国原子能科学研究院,2022-09-152023-12-31,主持。

6)          表面活性剂组装体微观结构及抗菌性能分析,宝洁(北京),2022-03-072024-12-31,主持。

7)          耐温抗钙镁聚合物分子结构及水溶液中zeta电位测试,中石化胜利油田石油勘探院,2021-06-01—2022-08-31,主持。

8)          多孔材料结构和表面化学分析,中国原子能科学研究院,2021-12-012022-11-30,主持。

9)          纳米材料制备与表征,中国石油天然气有限公司勘探开发研究院,2021-12-062022-06-30,主持。

10)      KPS与甜菜碱复配体系乳化增溶原油能力表征等,中国石油天然气有限公司勘探开发研究院,2020-06-012021-05-31,主持。

11)      日化用品的配方优化及分析,宝洁中国(北京),2021-04-012023-05-31,主持。

12)      口腔护理和洗护用品的配方优化及分析,宝洁中国(北京),2020-05-012022-06-30,主持。

13)      洗衣液配方稳定性研究,宝洁中国(北京),2017-06-08—2018-06-08,主持。

14)      普通稠油油藏驱油用聚合物溶液结构测试,中石化胜利油田石油勘探院,2015-12-17—2016-04-30,主持。


1. 研究论文及著作(第一及通讯作者)

1)          Xiong Y, Cao M. Application of surfactants in corrosion   inhibition of metals. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science2024;73:101830.

2)          Wang Y, Li Y, Cao M, Yan Z, Wei F, Ma T, et al. H2O2   self-supplying Ce6@ZIF-8/PDA/CuO2/HA (CZPCH) nanoplatform for enhanced reactive   oxygen species (ROS)-mediated tumor therapy. Colloids and Surfaces A:   Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2024;696:134357.

3)          Wang J, Luo C, Wang W, Wang H, Shi J, Yan T, et al. Efficient Capture of   Palladium from Nuclear Wastewater by the Sulfide and Thiol Modified Covalent   Organic Framework. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and   Engineering Aspects2024:134601.

4)          Fang P, Zhang Q, Zhou C, Yang Z, Yu H, Du M, et al. Chemical-Assisted   CO2 Water-Alternating-Gas Injection for Enhanced Sweep Efficiency in CO2-EOR.   Molecules2024;29:3978.

5)          Bian X, Yu Z, Zhu R, Long D, Zhang Q, Ji Z, et al. Activity-enhanced   Cu@ZIF-8/Ag carbonic anhydrase mimic for CO2 hydration and conversion. Colloids   and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2024;701:134886.

6)          Zhang Q., Hu H., Fang P., Song Y., Wang S., Zhang Z., Cao M., et   al. Fabrication of polyphenol-etched amino acid-modified ZIF-8 and their   carbonic anhydrase-like catalytic activity. Colloids and Surfaces A2024,   682, 132882.

7)          Shen X., Cao M. Bicontinuous Interfacially Jammed Emulsion Gels   (Bijels): Preparation, Control Strategies, and Derived Porous Materials. Nanomaterials2024, 14, 574.

8)          Lu X., Liu Z., Wang X., Liu Y., Ma H., Cao M., et al.   Construction of MnO2@ZIF-8 core-shell nanocomposites for efficient removal of   Sr2+ from aqueous solution. Colloids and Surfaces A2024, 685,   133317.

9)          Wu J., Liu Y., Cao M.*, Zheng N., Ma H., Ye X., et al.:   Cancer-Responsive Multifunctional Nanoplatform Based on Peptide Self-Assembly   for Highly Efficient Combined Cancer Therapy by Alleviating Hypoxia and   Improving the Immunosuppressive Microenvironment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2023, 15, 5667-5678.

10)      Wang W., Liu Z., Wang R., Cao M.*, Chen Y., Lu X., et al.: A   novel strategy for efficient removal of hazardous metal ions based on   thermoresponsive phase separation of the PNIPAM/GO system. Chemical Engineering Journal2023, 470, 143967.

11)      Shi Y., Nie Y., Xu H., Bi P., Chen B., Hou X., Cao M.*, et al.:   Fabrication of silane-based surface coating with Ag/TiO2 hybridization and   its anti-corrosion performance on metal surface. Colloids and Surfaces A2023,   676, 132241.

12)      Nanomaterials for Chemical Engineering (BOOK, Edited by Meiwen Cao).   Basel, Switzerland: MDPI; 2023. p.   302.

13)      Ji Z., Zhang Z., Lv W., Shi Y., Wang K., Ni S., Cao M.*, et al.:   Synthesis of ZIF-90 based nanozyme with excellent carbonic anhydrase   activity. Colloids and Surfaces A2023, 677, 132338.

14)      Sun S., Xiang Y., Xu H., Cao M.*, Yu D.: Surfactant regulated   synthesis of ZIF-8 crystals as carbonic anhydrase-mimicking nanozyme. Colloids and Surfaces A2022, 648, 129103.

15)      Ma H., Cao M.*: Designed Peptide Assemblies for Efficient Gene   Delivery. Langmuir 2022, 38, 13627.

16)      Zhang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Xie, T.; Shang-guan, Y.; Tian, M.; Zhang, Q.; Cao   M.*: Sulfate ion-triggered self-assembly transitions of amphiphilic short   peptides by force balance adjustment. Colloids and Surfaces A2022,   637, 128252.

17)      Xu, X.; Liu, Y.; Yang, Y.; Wu, J.; Cao M.*; Sun, L.*: One-pot   synthesis of functional peptide-modified gold nanoparticles for gene   delivery. Colloids and Surfaces A 2022, 640, 128491.

18)      Sun, S.; Zhang, Z.; Xiang, Y.; Cao M.*; Yu, D.*: Amino   Acid-Mediated Synthesis of the ZIF-8 Nanozyme That Reproduces Both the   Zinc-Coordinated Active Center and Hydrophobic Pocket of Natural Carbonic   Anhydrase. Langmuir2022, 38 (4), 1621-1630.

19)      Cao M.*; Zhuang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Zhang,   Z.; Xuan, J.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, W., Peptide-mediated green synthesis of the   MnO2@ZIF-8 coreshell nanoparticles for   efficient removal of pollutant dyes from wastewater via a synergistic   process. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 608   (3), 2779-2790.

20)      Cao M.*; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, X.; Wang,   Y.; Wu, J.; Liu, Z.; Sun, L.*; Wang, D.; Yue, T.*; Han, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang,   Y.; Wang, M.*: Peptide Self-assembly into Stable Capsid-Like Nanospheres and   Co-assembly with DNA to Produce Smart Artificial Viruses. Journal of   Colloid and Interface Science2022, 615, 395-407.

21)      Nie, Y.; Ma, S.; Tian, M.; Zhang, Q.; Huang, J.; Cao M.*; Li, Y.;   Sun, L.; Pan, J.; Wang, Y.; Bi, P.*; Xu, H.; Zeng, J.*; Wang, S.; Xia, Y.: Superhydrophobic   silane-based surface coatings on metal surface with nanoparticles   hybridization to enhance anticorrosion efficiency, wearing resistance and   antimicrobial ability. Surface and Coatings Technology2021, 410,   126966.

22)      Li, Y.; Ma, S.; Fang, X.; Wu, C.; Chen, H.; Zhang, W.; Cao M.*;   Liu, J.*: Water Hardness Effect on the Association and Adsorption of Cationic   Cellulose Derivative/Anionic Surfactant Mixtures for Fabric Softener   Application. Colloids and Surfaces A2021, 626, 127031.

23)      Li, J.; Li, Z.; Cao M.*; Liu, J.*: Expression and   characterization of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Oceanimonas marisflavi   102-Na3. Protein Expr Purif2021, 188, 105964.

24)      Cao M.*; Shen, Y.; Yan, Z.; Wei, Q.;   Jiao, T.; Shen, Y.; Han, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, S.; Xia, Y.; Yue, T.*: Extraction-like   removal of organic dyes from polluted water by the graphene oxide/PNIPAM   composite system. Chemical Engineering Journal2021, 405,   126647.

25)      Xuan, J.; Liu, Y.; Xu, X.; Ding, Z.; Zhuang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Yan, Y.; Cao   M.*; Wang, S.; Xia, Y.; Sun, L.*: Peptide-Mediated Synthesis of Zeolitic   Imidazolate Framework-8 with Controllable Morphology and Size. Langmuir2020, 36 (46), 13981-13988.

26)      Xiu, Y.; Xu, L.; Zhang, X.; Wang, X.; Liu, F.; Xia, Y.; Cao M.*;   Wang, S.*: Mechanistic Process Understanding of the Biomimetic Construction   of Porphyrin-Based Light-Capturing Antennas from Self-Assembled Fmoc-Blocked   Peptide Templates. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering2020,   8 (41), 15761-15771.

27)      Wang, Y.; Xuan, J.; Zhao, W.; Ding, Z.; Zhang, L.; Du, R.; Zhang, A.;   Wang, Y.; Li, D.; Cao M.*: Smart and selective cancer-killing peptides   with cell penetrating sequence and dual-targeting mechanism. Colloids and   Surfaces A2020, 586, 124185.

28)      Wang, Y.; Nie, Y.; Ding, Z.; Yao, M.; Du, R.; Zhang, L.; Wang, S.; Li,   D.; Wang, Y.; Cao M.*: An Amphiphilic Peptide with Cell Penetrating   Sequence for Highly Efficient Gene Transfection. Colloids and Surfaces A2020, 590, 124529.

29)      Xu, X.; Liu, Y.; Fu, W.; Yao, M.; Ding, Z.; Xuan, J.; Li, D.; Wang, S.;   Xia, Y.; Cao M.*: Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Based Thermoresponsive   Composite Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications. Polymers2020,   12, 580.

30)      Nie, Y.; Huang, J.; Ma, S.; Li, Z.; Shi, Y.; Yang, X.; Fang, X.; Zeng,   J.; Bi, P.*; Qi, J.; Wang, S.; Xia, Y.; Jiao, T.*; Li, D.; Cao M.*: Aplplied   Surface Science2020, 527, 146915.

31)      Meng, Y.; Yin, J.; Jiao, T.*; Bai, J.; Zhang, L.; Su, J.; Liu, S.; Bai, Z.;   Cao M.*; Peng, Q.*: Self-assembled copper/cobalt-containing   polypyrrole hydrogels for highly efficient ORR electrocatalysts. Journal   of Molecular Liquids2020, 298, 112010.

32)      Wang, Y.; Xuan, J.; Zhao, W.; Ding, Z.; Zhang, L.; Du, R.; Zhang, A.;   Wang, Y.; Li, D.; Cao M.*: Smart and   selective cancer-killing peptides with cell penetrating sequence and   dual-targeting mechanism. Colloids and   Surfaces A2020, 586, 124185.

33)      Wang, Y.; Nie, Y.; Ding, Z.; Yao, M.; Du, R.; Zhang, L.; Wang, S.; Li,   D.; Wang, Y.; Cao, M.*: An Amphiphilic Peptide with Cell Penetrating   Sequence for Highly Efficient Gene Transfection. Colloids and Surfaces A2020,   590, 124529.

34)      Cao M.*; Wang, Y.; Hu, X.; Gong, H.;   Li, R.; Cox, H.; Zhang, Jing.; Waigh, T. A.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R.: Reversible   Thermoresponsive Peptide-PNIPAM Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Delivery. Biomacromolecules   2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b01009.

35)      Cao M.*; Xing, R.; Chang, R.; Wang, Y.;   Yan, X.*: Peptide-coordination self-assembly for the precise design of   theranostic nanodrugs. Coordination Chemistry Reviews2019, 397,   14-27.

36)      Cao M.*; Lu, S.; Wang, N.; Xu, H.*;   Cox, H.; Li, R.; Waigh, T.; Han, Y.; Wang, Y.; Lu, J. R.*: Enzyme-Triggered   Morphological Transition of Peptide Nanostructures for Tumor-Targeted Drug   Delivery and Enhanced Cancer Therapy. Applied   Materials & Interfaces2019,   11, 16357-16366.

37)      Cao M.*; Shen, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.;   Li, D.: Self-Assembly of Short Elastin-like Amphiphilic Peptides: Effects of   Temperature, Molecular Hydrophobicity and Charge Distribution. Molecules2019, 24, 202.

38)      Cao M.*; Wang, Y.; Zhao, W.; Qi, R.;   Han, Y.; Wu, R.; Wang, Y.; Xu, H.*: Peptide-Induced DNA Condensation into   Virus-Mimicking Nanostructures. ACS   Applied Materials & Interfaces2018,   10, 24349-24360.

39)      Cao M.*; Zhao, W.; Wang, L.; Li, R.; Gong, H.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R.*:   Graphene Oxide-Assisted Accumulation and Layer-by-Layer Assembly of   Antibacterial Peptide for Sustained Release Applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018, 10, 24937-24946.

40)      Cao M.; Lu, S.; Zhao, W.; Deng, L.;   Wang, M.; Wang, J.; Zhou, P.; Wang, D.; Xu, H.*; Lu, J. R.*: Peptide   Self-Assembled Nanostructures with Distinct Morphologies and Properties   Fabricated by Molecular Design. ACS   Applied Materials & Interfaces2017,   9, 39174-39184.

41)      Cao M.*; Zhao, W.; Zhou, P.; Xie, Z.;   Sun, Y.; Xu, H.*: Peptide nucleic acid-ionic self-complementary peptide   conjugates: highly efficient DNA condensers with specific condensing   mechanism. RSC Advances2017, 7, 3796-3803.

42)      Cao M.; Wang, N.; Wang, L.; Zhang, Y.;   Chen, Y.; Xie, Z.; Li, Z.; Pambou, E.; Li, R.; Chen, C.; Pan, F.; Xu, H.*;   Penny, J.; Webster, J. R. P.; Lu, J. R.*: Direct exfoliation of graphite into   graphene in aqueous solutions of amphiphilic peptides. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2016, 4, 152-161.

43)      Cao M.*; Wang, N.; Zhou, P.; Sun, Y.;   Wang, J.; Wang, S.; Xu, H.: Virus-like supramolecular assemblies formed by   cooperation of base pairing interaction and peptidic association. Science China Chemistry2016, 59, 310-315. SCI二区,IF4.448

44)      Cao M.*; Cao, C.; Zhou, P.; Wang, N.;   Wang, D.; Wang, J.; Xia, D.; Xu, H.*: Self-assembly of amphiphilic peptides:   Effects of the single-chain-to-gemini structural transition and the side   chain groups. Colloids and Surfaces A2015, 469, 263-270.

45)      Cao M.*; Deng, L.; Xu, H.*: Study of   PNA–DNA hybridization by AFM-based single-molecule force spectroscopy. Colloids and Surfaces A2015, 470, 46-51.

46)      Cao M.*; Cao, C.; Zhang, L.; Xia, D.;   Xu, H.*: Tuning of peptide assembly through force balance adjustment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2013, 407, 287-295.

47)      Cao M.; Wang, Y. M.; Ge, X.; Cao, C.   H.; Wang, J.; Xu, H.; Xia, D. H.; Zhao, X. B.; Lu, J. R.: Effects of Anions   on Nanostructuring of Cationic Amphiphilic Peptides. Journal of Physical Chemistry B2011, 115, 11862-11871.   

48)      Cao M.; Wang, X. L.: Effect of   Surfactant Addition on the Structure of Silver Aggregates Produced by   Galvanic Cell Reaction and Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Journal of Dispersion Science and   Technology2010, 31, 703-708.

49)      Cao M.; Wang, X. L.: Direct   Observation and Distinction of the Inner/Outer Layers of Surfactant Bilayer   Formed at the Solid/Solution Interface. Journal   of Dispersion Science and Technology2010,   31, 38-43.

50)      Cao M.; Deng, M. L.; Wang, X. L.;   Wang, Y. L.: Decompaction of Cationic Gemini Surfactant-Induced DNA Condensates   by beta-Cyclodextrin or Anionic Surfactant. Journal of Physical Chemistry B2008, 112, 13648-13654.

51)      Cao M.; Han, Y. C.; Wang, J. B.; Wang,   Y. L.: Modulation of fibrillogenesis of amyloid beta(1-40) peptide with   cationic gemini surfactant. Journal of   Physical Chemistry B2007, 111, 13436-13443.

52)      Cao M.; Wang,   J. B.; Wang, Y. L.: Surface patterns induced by Cu2+ ions on BPEI/PAA   layer-by-layer assembly. Langmuir2007, 23, 3142-3149.

53)      Cao M.; Song, X. Y.; Wang, J. B.;   Wang, Y. L.: Adsorption of hexyl-alpha,omega-bis(dodecyl- dimethylammonium   bromide) gemini surfactant on silica and its effect on wettability. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2006, 300, 519-525.

54)      Cao M.; Song, X. Y.; Zhai, J.; Wang,   J. B.; Wang, Y. L.: Fabrication of highly antireflective silicon surfaces   with superhydrophobicity. Journal of   Physical Chemistry B2006, 110, 13072-13075.


2. 教学论文:

1)     曹美文*,王宁宁,张志远, 酶促肽分子自组装及肿瘤细胞杀伤性能, 实验技术与管理2023, 40, 30-34.

2)     曹美文*,聂焱,王栋, Xene杂化硅烷膜制备超疏水/抗菌金属表面防护涂层, 实验室研究与探索2022, 41, 20-24.

3)     曹美文*,王栋,纳米复合抗菌水凝胶的制备与性能, 实验技术与管理 2021, 38 (12), 180-183.


3. 授权发明专利(第一发明人)

1)     一种多肽-金纳米颗粒复合物、其制备方法及应用(ZL202111409346.3

2)     Fmoc-氨基酸-ZIF-8纳米材料、其制备方法及应用(ZL202111323905.9

3)     一种复合水凝胶在重金属离子去除中的应用(ZL201910328332.5

4)     多巯基肽自组装及其基因载体应用(ZL202010511631.5

5)     一种海藻酸钠抗菌敷料的制备方法(ZL202010484866.X(已转化)

6)     一种用于表面污染物去除的可剥离水凝胶(ZL202010630656.7

7)     基因和化学药物共转运载体及其使用方法(ZL201811307307.0

8)     MXene/硅烷表面复合硅烷膜在金属腐蚀防护中的应用(ZL201910931909.1

9)     一种自组装肽及其作为DNA凝聚试剂的应用(ZL201710223138.1

10)  一种可作为基因载体的两亲性多肽分子(ZL201710117069.6

11)  温度响应性可逆水凝胶的制备方法及应用(ZL201810373751.6

12)  一种酶响应性自组装肽及其应用(ZL201710223136.2

13)  具有双重靶向性和选择性的抗肿瘤多肽分子及其应用(ZL201710499462.6

14)  一种自组装抗菌肽(ZL201610265536.5

15)  一种高载药量的长效缓释抗菌薄膜及其制备方法(ZL201510794371.6(已转化)

16)  一种石墨烯分散剂及石墨烯分散液的制备方法(ZL201410532476.X

17)  一种高强度多肽水凝胶的制备方法(ZL201510697529.8

18)  一种增加井壁稳定性并降低滤失的方法(ZL201410502665.2


[1] 202012月,新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步奖一等奖;

[2] 202111月,获得“青岛西海岸新区优秀青年人才”称号。





1.    指导研究生情况


2.    代表性学生成果和荣誉:





52021年徐晓敏、刘阳、丁榛、玄甲明等同学的研究论文“Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Based Thermoresponsive Composite   Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications, Polymers, 12(3), 580”获评高被引论文;






3.    招生


Ÿ     须满足中国石油大学(华东)硕士/博士研究生报考条件(详见http://zs.gs.upc.edu.cn/);

Ÿ     专业背景为物理化学、高分子化学、材料科学、生物化工、化学工程与技术、环境科学或与以上研究方向相关专业等;

Ÿ     良好的独立科研工作的能力,执行力强,有服务意识和团队合作精神,有敬业精神和职业道德。



[2] 担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,教育部研究生学位论文评审专家等;

[3] 国际著名杂志Adv. Funct. Mater.SmallAnal. Chem.ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesLangmuirJ. Phys. Chem. BColloids & Surfaces A等期刊审稿人;

[4] 中国化学学会及中国化工学会会员。



【作者:   审核:】