

»姓名: 刘欣梅











11988.09--1992.06  于石油大学炼制系攻读学士学位;

21992.07--1996.08  石油大学炼制系院助教;

31996.09--1999.01  与石油大学炼制系攻读研究生,并于19996月获硕士学位;

41999.02--2001.06  石油大学化学化工学院讲师;

52001.07--2004.03  赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学做博士论文,并于20046月获中国石油大学(华东)博士学位;

62004.04   --2008.11  中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院副教授;

72008.12 --   中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院教授。






兼任国家工程教育专业认证专家、山东省教学指导委员会委员、山东省化工学会理事,山东省企业实训基地实训标准专家委员会委员,是“Applied Catalysis B:   Environmental” “ACS Applied   Materials & Interfaces ”“Applied Catalysis A”Fuel”、“Journal of Porous   Materials” “Journal   of Material Science”等国内外著名期刊的审稿人或特约编辑。






(1)       国家自然基金面上项目“C5/C6烷烃临氢异构化催化剂中亚纳米Ni团簇与酸性位的构建及其协同效应,项目批准号:219783262020.01-2024.12,主持

(2)       国家自然基金重大项目分子筛催化剂的精准控制合成,项目批准号:21991091, 2020.01-2025.12,主持

(3)       山东省自然基金项目由骨架原子配位环境强化MeAPO-11分子筛的水热稳定性,项目批准号:ZR2019MB0292019.01-2020.12,主持

(4)       山东省重点研发计划“S-Zorb废吸附剂复活的放大制备技术项目编号:2018GSF117009,执行时间:2018.01. -2019.12,主持

(5)       中石油催化剂重大专项富含二次孔Y分子筛的放大制备及加氢裂化性能研究项目编号:2016E-707,执行时间:2016.07-2020.06,主持

(6)       中石油催化剂重大专项子课题催化裂化废催化剂的复活技术研究项目编号:2016E-0701,执行时间:2016.07-2020.06,主持

(7)       中石油科技开发项目微介复合孔道超稳MeAPO-11分子筛的开发与应用执行时间:2017.01-2019.06,主持

(8)       国家自然基金面上项目“柴油深度加氢脱硫催化剂的孔结构设计与孔道限域效应”,项目批准号:21376267,执行时间:2014.01-2017.12,主持

(9)       山东省自然基金面上项目“重质油加氢精制催化剂的孔道限域效应”,项目批准号:2013ZRE28069,执行时间:   2013.10-2016.10,主持

(10)     中石油催化剂重大专项富含二次孔Y分子筛的放大制备及加氢裂化性能研究项目编号:2016E-0707,执行时间:2016.07-2019.12,主持

(11)     中石油科技开发项目微介复合孔道超稳MeSAPO-11分子筛合成新技术项目编号:2014A-2111,执行时间:2017.02-2018.12,主持

(12)     中石油超前储备项目固态反应原位晶化制备Y/ZrO2复合新材料研究,项目编号:2014A-2111,执行时间:2014.07-2017.06,主持



(1)       2018年“三三三本科教育培养体系的构建与实践”获国家级教学成果二等奖奖,5/17

(2)       2017以工程能力达成为导向,构建化工专业人才培养体系获山东省教学成果一等奖,1/12

(3)       2017以工程能力达成为导向,构建化工专业人优质教学平台获中国石油高校教学成果一等奖,1/10

(4)       2014催化裂化催化剂多组元设计与全周期高效利用技术获山东省科技进步二等奖,1/10

(5)       2013催化裂化催化剂多组元设计与全周期高效利用技术获中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖,1/10

(6)       2012年获山东省创业发明奖二等奖

(7)       2012年获齐鲁巾帼发明家优秀奖

(8)       2009流化催化裂化废催化剂的资源化利用获青岛市科技进步一等奖,1/5





(1)主编《catalysis in   oil refinery和《储运油料学》等教材






(1)          Yuchao Lyu,Xinmei Liu*, Weiqiang Liu, Adsorption/oxidation of   ethyl mercaptan on Fe-N-modified active carbon catalyst[J], Chemical   Engineering Journal, 2020,393124680

(2)          Yuxiang Liu, Dejiang Zheng, Binghan Li, Yuchao Lyu,   Xiaosheng Wang, Xinchun Liu, Lu Li, Shitao Yu, Xinmei Liu, Zifeng Yan, Isomerization of α-pinene with a   hierarchical mordenite molecular sieve prepared by the microwave assisted   alkaline treatmentMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2020,   299:110117

(3)          Yuxiang Liu, Dejiang Zheng, Binghan Li, Yuchao Lyu,   Xiaosheng Wang, Xinchun Liu, Lu Li, Shitao Yu, Xinmei Liu, Zifeng Yan,   Isomerization of α-pinene with a hierarchical mordenite molecular sieve   prepared by the microwave assisted alkaline treatmentMicroporous and   Mesoporous Materials, 2020, 299:110117

(4)          Yuchao Lyu, Zhumo   Yu, Ye Yang, Yuxiang Liu, Xinxin Zhao,Xinmei   Liu*, Zifeng Yan, Guofeng Zhao,, Metal and Acid   Sites Instantaneously Prepared over Ni/SAPO-11 Hydroisomerization Catalyst[J]Journal of Catalysis2019, 374:208-216.

(5)          Yuchao Lyu, Zongwei Sun, Ying Xin, Yuxiang Liu,   Chunzheng Wang, Xinmei Liu*, Reactivation of spent S-Zorb adsorbents for   gasoline desulfurization[J], Chemical Engineering   Journal, 2019,374, 1109-1117.

(6)          Liu Yuxiang, Emamipour Hamidreze, Rood Mood J, Liu Xinmei, Yan Zifeng. Isobutane   Adsorption with Carrier Gas Recirculation at Different Relative Humidities   Using Activated Carbon Fiber Cloth and Electrothermal Regeneration [J]. Chemical   Engineering Journal,   20193601011-1019

(7)          Lyu Yuchao, Yu   Zhumo, Yang Ye, Zhao Xinin, Liu Xinmei*,   Yan zifeng, Metal-acid   balance in the in-situ solid synthesized Ni/SAPO-11 catalyst for n-hexane   hydroisomerization[J], Fuel, 2019, 243, 398-405

(8)          Yuxiang Liu, Yuchao Lyu,Xinxin Zhao,Lu Xu, Zifeng Yan, Xinmei Liu*,Silicoaluminophosphate-11 (SAPO-11)   Molecular Sieve Synthesized by a Grinding Synthesis Method[J], Chem. Comm. 2018, 54, 10950-10953

(9)          Liu Yuxiang, Lyu   Yuchao, Wang Baojie, Wang Yi, Liu   Xinmei*, Mark Rood J, Liu Zhen, Yan Zifeng. Promoter effect of heteroatom   substituted AlPO-11 molecular sieves in hydrocarbons cracking reaction[J].   Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2018, 528:330-335.

(10)       Lyu Yuchao, Liu Yuxiang, He Xin, Xu Lu, Liu Xinmei*, Yan zifeng. The regulation of   Si distribution and surface acidity of SAPO-11 molecular sieve[J]. Applied   Surface Science, 2018, 453: 350-357.

(11)       Yu-Peng Tian,Yan-an Liu, Xin-Mei Liu*, Zi-Feng Yan, V-K/γ-Al2O3   catalyst with sulfur introduction: high-performance for non-oxidative   dehydrogenation of isobutene, Catalysis Science and Technology, 2018,8:5473-5481

(12)        Peng Peng, Shu-Zhuang Sun, Yu-Xiang Liu, Xin-Mei Liu, Zi-Feng   Yan, Combined alkali dissolution and re-assembly approach toward ZSM-5   mesostructures with extended lifetime in cumene cracking, [J]. Journal of Colloid &   Interface Science, 2018, 529:283-293.

(13)       Yuxiang Liu,Xinmei Liu*, Lianming   Zhao, Yuchao Lv,Lu Xu, Mark J. Rood, Ling Wei, Zhen Liu, Zifeng Yan,   Effect of Lanthanum Species on the   Physicochemical Properties of La/SAPO-11 Molecular SieveJournal of Catalysis2017, 347:170-184

(14)        Di   Zhang , Wei-Qiang Liu, Yan-An Liu, U.J.Etim, Xin-Mei Liu*, Zi-Feng Yan, Pore confinement effect of MoO3/Al2O3   catalyst for deep hydrodesulfurization, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017,330, 707-717

(15)        Yu-Peng Tian, Xin-Mei Liu, Mark J.   Rood, Zi-Feng YanStudy of coke deposited on a   VOx-K2O/γ-Al2O3 catalyst in the non-oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutaneApplied Catalysis   A, 2017,   545:1-9

(16)        Yuchao Lyu,   Yuxiang Liu, Lu Xu, Xinxin Zhao, Zhen Liu,Xinmei   Liu*, Zifeng YanEffect of ethanol on the surface properties and n-heptane isomerization   performance of Ni/SAPO-11Applied   Surface Science, 2017, 401:57-64

(17)        Di Zhang, Lijun Xue, Yongqiang   Xu, Lijuan Song, Xinmei Liu*, Adsorption of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene and   collidine over MoO3/   ɤ-Al2O3 catalysts with different pore structures,Journal   of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 493218-227

(18)        Lijun Xue, Di Zhang, Yongqiang Xu,Xinmei Liu*, Adsorption of thiophene compounds on MoO3/ɤ-Al2O3   catalysts with different mesopore sizes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials2017, 238:46-55

(19)       Benjing Xu, Yang Yang, Yanyan Xu, Baozhai Han, Youhe Wang, Xinmei   Liu, Zifeng Yan, Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous Si-modified   alumina with high thermal stability, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials2017,   238:84-89

(20)     Miaorong   Zhang, Xinmei Liu*, ZifengYan, Soluble Starch as In-situ Template to Synthesize   ZSM-5 Zeolite with Intracrystal Mesopores,   Materials Letters,2016,164:543-546

(21)     Xinmei Liu*, Shun Liu, Yuxiang Liu, A   Potential Substitute for CeY Zeolite Used in Fluid Catalytic Cracking   Process, Microporous and Mesoporous   Materials20162265):162-168

(22)     Yang   Yang, Yanyan Xu, Baozhai Han, Benjing Xu,   Xinmei Liu, Zifeng Yan, Effects of synthetic conditions on the textural   structure of pseudo-boehmite, Journal   of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016,469:1-7

(23)     Yuxiang Liu,Lu Xu, Lianming   Zhao,Ling Wei,Xinmei   Liu*, Zifeng Yan, Substituting Effect of Ce3+   on AlPO-11 Molecular Sieve,Catalysis   Science and Technology, 2016, 6,   3821–3831

(24)     Yupeng Tian, Peng Bai,   Shaomin Liu, Xinmei Liu*, Zifeng   YanVOx-K2O/γ-Al2O3   catalyst for nonoxidative dehydrogenation of isobutaneFuel   processing technology2016, 151, 31-39

(25)     Yuxiang Liu, Lu   Xu, Yuchao Lv, Xinmei Liu*, Regulating acidity, porosity, and   morphology of hierarchical SAPO-11 zeolite by aging treatment, Journal of   Colloid and Interface Science,   2016,479:55-63

(26)     Hao   Tian., Jian   Liu., Kane   O’Donnell, Tingting Liu, Xinmei Liu,   Zifeng Yan, Shaomin Liu, Mietek Jaroniec, Revisiting the Stӧber method: Design of nitrogen-doped porous   carbonspheres from molecular precursors of different chemical structures, Journal of   Colloid and Interface Science,   2016,476:55-61

(27)     薛丽君,张迪,魏杰,刘欣梅*,催化剂的孔道限域效应,化学进展,2016,28(4): 450-458



(1)           刘欣梅,刘万荣,刘龙妹,阎子峰,一种晶种法法合成的Y/ZrO2复合材料及其制备方法ZL20161064169.920190806

(2)           刘欣梅,刘万荣,刘龙妹,阎子峰,一种两段晶化法合成的Y/ZrO2复合材料及其制备方法ZL201710182179.020191011

(3)           刘欣梅,刘万荣,刘龙妹,阎子峰,一种导向剂法合成的Y/ZrO2复合材料及其制备方法,ZL20161064168.420180406

(4)           刘欣梅,刘毓翔,许本静,吕玉超,许露,阎子峰,AEL结构稀土取代磷酸铝分子筛的制备方法,专利号: ZL 2015 1 0594909.9 20170620))

(5)           刘欣梅,刘毓翔,许本静,许露,吕玉超,阎子峰,纳米尺寸磷酸铝分子筛的微波制备方法,专利号: ZL 2015   1 0593306.7 20170620

(6)           刘毓翔,刘欣梅,许本静,吕玉超,许露,阎子峰,纳米尺寸磷酸铝分子筛的制备方法,ZL   2015 1 0593307.120170620

(7)           许本静,刘欣梅,刘毓翔,许露,吕玉超,阎子峰,纳米尺寸AEL结构分子筛的制备方法,ZL 2015 1 0594887.620170901

(8)           刘欣梅,孟欣,阎子峰,一种高效多孔氧化铁脱硫剂的制备方法,ZL 2012 1   0148288.8  2017.0707

(9)           刘欣梅,刘龙妹,郑阳阳,陈英杰,辛颖,许本静,阎子峰, S-Zorb废吸附剂的复活方法,ZL201510325608.6,(20170510

(10)         刘欣梅,刘龙妹,郑阳阳,陈英杰,辛颖,许本静,阎子峰,S-Zorb废吸附剂的碱处理复活法, ZL2015 1 0329719.420170808

(11)         刘欣梅,陈英杰,郑阳阳,辛颖,许本静,阎子峰,S-Zorb废吸附剂的氨水预处理复活法,ZL2015 1 0325982.620170524

(12)         许本静,刘欣梅,辛颖,刘龙妹,阎子峰,S-Zorb废吸附剂的水玻璃预处理复活法,ZL2015 1 0329876.520170531

(13)         许本静刘欣梅辛颖,刘龙妹阎子峰S‑Zorb废吸附剂的酸碱处理复活方法 ZL201510329825.220171010

(14)         许本静,王有和,刘毓翔,阎子峰,刘欣梅,叶红,一种和氯化稀土交换催化裂化废催化剂复活方法,ZL 2015 1 0176390.2((20170201))

(15)         许本静,白鹏,许妍妍,阎子峰,刘欣梅,张新功,一种与SiCl4气固反应法催化裂化废催化剂复活方法,ZL 2015 1 0175992.6 20170510

(16)         许本静,乔柯,杨扬,阎子峰,刘欣梅,张新功,一种与SiCl4混合反应法催化裂化废催化剂复活方法,ZL 2015 1 0176653.X 20170201

(17)         许本静,刘振,邢伟,阎子峰,刘欣梅,高明军,与SiCl4反应铵交换催化裂化废催化剂复活方法,ZL 2015 1 0176129.2 20170315

(18)         张新功,许本静,叶红,阎子峰,刘欣梅,焙烧与SiCl4混合反应法催化裂化废催化剂复活方法,ZL 2015 1 0178636.X 20170315

(19)         王有和阎子峰历阳许本静刘欣梅乔柯白鹏高雄厚张忠东蒙脱土基ZSM-5分子筛复合材料及其制备方法, ZL201510044730.6,(20170222

(20)         阎子峰冯锐白鹏刘欣梅许本静乔柯王有和高雄厚张忠东L酸高B酸催化裂化催化剂及其制备方法ZL201510045326.020170517

(21)        刘欣梅,李春毅,阎子峰,一种催化裂化催化剂胶渣的高效利用方法,2016.6,中国,   ZL 2012 1 0290467.5

(22)        刘欣梅,戴彩丽,丁云宏,管宝山,程琪,由庆,赵明伟,王欣,刘萍,梁莉,一种氟碳起泡剂N -2-羟基丙基)全氟辛酰胺的制备方法,2014.2,中国,   ZL 2012 1 0290467.5

(23)        刘欣梅,李翔,薛红霞,阎子峰,一种等级介孔g-Al2O3纳米棒的制备方法, 2012.7,中国,ZL   201010236522.3

(24)        刘欣梅,张新功,阎子峰,一种使FCC废催化剂复活的方法,2010.10,中国, ZL 2008 1 0014209.8

(25)        刘欣梅,阎子峰,张磊,代晓东,钱岭,乔柯,一种稀土金属氧化物/氧化锆催化剂的制备方法,2010.7,中国,ZL 2008 1 0104307.0

(26)        刘欣梅,阎子峰,逯高清,钱岭,乔柯,一种采用固态反应结构导向技术合成介孔纳米材料的方法,2010.7,中国,ZL   2008 1 0104306.6

(27)        刘欣梅,刘毓翔,崔晓,一种抗积碳催化裂化催化剂及其制备方法2014.12,中国,CN201410746649.8

(28)      刘欣梅,孟欣,阎子峰,一种高效多孔氧化铁脱硫剂的制备方法2012.05,中国,ZL201210148288.8

(29)      刘欣梅,刘万荣,刘龙妹,阎子峰,一种晶种法合成的Y/ZrO2复合材料及其制备方法,2016.11,中国, CN201611064169.9

(30)      刘欣梅,刘万荣,刘龙妹,阎子峰,一种导向剂法合成的Y/ZrO2复合材料及其制备方法,2016.11,中国,CN201611064168.4

【作者:   审核:】