

»姓名: 齐建涛











1.   2018.06-2018.12  法国国家科学研究中心 表面物理化学  博士后 访问学者 Prof.   Philippe Marcus (CNRS主任)

2.   2015.09-2016.01  曼彻斯特大学(英国) 腐蚀与防护  博士后  Prof. George Thompson (皇家工程院院士,OBE

3.   2012.09-2015.09   曼彻斯特大学(英国) 腐蚀与防护  博士  国家公派留学生

4.   2007.09-2012.09   中国石油大学(华东)(211工程)   本科+硕士一年        

2.   涂层防腐效果的电化学评估

3.   轻合金海洋大气腐蚀

4.   表面物理及化学

5.   拉曼光谱及表面增强技术

6.   锂离子电池电极材料表面处理

Corrosion   Science, Electrochimica Acta, Applied Surface Science, Surface Coatings and   Technologies等国际期刊特约审稿人


Engineering English in Process Equipment
铝合金表面局部腐蚀的ToF-SIMSXPSAFMSTM及电化学表征   (NEPAL FUI Project,CNRS法国国家科学研究中心项目, 40 万,2018.6-2018.12.(主持)

2.   镁合金表面功能性转化膜材料的多尺度表征及可控制备研究,国家自然科学基金(青年基金),25 万,2018.1-201012.(主持)

3.   海洋工程装备上用铝合金表面改性机理及可控制备研究,山东省自然科学基金(博士基金),5 万,2017.9-2019.9.(主持)

4.   锂离子电池铝基集流器环境友好型表面处理研究,中国石油大学(自主创新项目)青年基金,13 万,2018.1-2020. 12.(主持)

5.   下一代绿色环保的轻合金表面预处理工艺,EPSRC-曼彻斯特大学博士后项目,30 万,2015.9-2016.1.(主持)

6.   新型三价铬转化膜开发研究,中国石油大学(华东)引进人才基金,3 万,2016.7-2018.9.(主持)

7.   低压冷喷涂Al(Y)-Al2O3-MoS2耐磨蚀涂层的可控制备技术(2017GHY15108),山东省重点研发项目(公益类),30 万,2017.6-2019.6.(参与)

8.   “一带一路”下优秀青年人才培育项目,2018.1-2020.1, 中国石油大学(华东)国际交流基金,5

2009.   10 国家奖学金;2010.10 国家励志奖学金;2012.9-2015.9 CSC国家留学基金委员会公派博士生奖学金;2018.7瑞士万通优秀论文
中国石油大学(华东)过程装备与控制工程优异生201016-2018. 青年教师培训优秀学员

1.  J. Qi, T. Hashimoto, J. Walton, X. Zhou, P. Skeldon,   and G. E. Thompson. Trivalent chromium conversion coating on Al. Sur. Coat.   Technol. 280, 317 (2015). SCI三区,引用次数超50次)

2.      J.   Qi, T. Hashimoto, J. Walton, X. Zhou, P. Skeldon, and G. E. Thompson.   Formation of a trivalent chromium conversion coating on AA2024-T351 alloy. J.   Electrochem. Soc. 163, C25 (2016). SCI二区,引用次数超40次)

3.       J.   Qi, T. Hashimoto and G. E. Thompson. Parameters of water immersion   post-treatment influencing TCC coating formed on AA2024-T351 alloys. J.   Electrochem. Soc.163,5 (2016).SCI二区,IF=3.7

4.      J.   Qi and G. E. Thompson. Comparative studies of thin film growth on   aluminium by AFM, TEM and GDOES characterization. Appl. Surf. Sci. 377, 109   (2016). SCI二区,IF=4.2

5.      D.   Elabar, T. Hashimoto, J. Qi, P. Skeldon and G.E. Thompson. Effect of   low levels of sulphate on the current density and film morphology during   anodizing of aluminium in chromic acid. Electrochim. Acta. 196, 206 (2016). SCI一区,IF=5.2

6.      J.   Qi, J. Walton, G. E. Thompson, S. Albu and J. Carr. Spectroscopic studies   of chromium VI formed in the trivalent chromium conversion coatings on   aluminium. J. Electrochem. Soc. 163, 7 (2016). SCI二区,IF=3.7

7.      J.   Qi, A. Nemcova, J. Walton, X. Zhou, P. Skeldon and G. E. Thompson.   Influence of pre-and post-treatments on formation of a trivalent chromium   conversion coating on AA2024 alloy. Thin Solid Films. 2016 SCI三区,IF=2.0

8.      J.   Qi, G. Li, Y. Li, Z. Wang, G. E. Thompson and P. Skeldon. An optimized   trivalent chromium conversion coating process for AA2024-T351 alloy. J.   Electrochem. Soc. 164, 7 (2017). SCI二区,IF=3.7

9.      J.   Qi, G. Li, Y. Liu, B. Liu, T. Hashimoto, Z. Wang and G. E. Thompson.   Chromate formed in a trivalent conversion coating on aluminium. J.   Electrochem. Soc. 164, 7 (2017). SCI二区,IF=3.7

10.    J.   Qi, Y. Miao, Z. Wang, Y. Li, P. Skeldon and G. E. Thompson. Influence of   copper on trivalent chromium conversion coating formation on aluminium. J.   Electrochem. Soc. 164, 12 (2017). SCI二区,IF=3.7

11.    J.   Qi, B. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Wen and G. E. Thompson. Raman investigation of   an Fe(II)-containing solution influencing chromium chemistry in a thin film   on aluminium. Mater. Let. 228, 46 (2018). SCI二区,IF=2.8

12.    J.   Qi, B. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Li, P. Skeldon and G. E. Thompson. Effect of an   Fe(II)-modified trivalent chromium conversion process on Cr(VI) formation   during coating of AA 2024 alloy. Electrochem. Commun. 92, 1(2018) SCI一区,IF=4.7

13.    A.   Stoica, J. Swaiatowska, F. D. Franco, A. Romaine, J. Qi, D. Mercier,   A. Seyeux, S. Zanna and P. Marucs. Post-treatment of Trivalent Chromium   Protection (TCP) coating deposited on Aluminium Alloy 2024-T3 with improved   corrosion efficiency, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2018) SCI三区)

14. 宫宁,卜红梅,齐建涛* 等,镁合金表面转化膜研究进展,材料导报(EI),2018 (接收)

15.    J.   Qi, Y. Li. Numerical simulation of cathodic protection field for the   water phase area in naphtha storage tank. Marine Science. 11, 4 (2012). In Chinese

16. J. Qi, Y. Li. Overview of   anti-corrosion technologies for water phase area incrude oil storage tank. Chemical   Equipments. 4, 7 (2012)



【作者:   审核:】