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姓 名: | 王创业 | |||||
职 称: | 副教授 | |||||
导师类别: | 硕士生导师 | |||||
系 室: | 化学系 | |||||
研究领域: | 表界面化学 | |||||
电子邮箱: | chwang@upc.edu.cn | |||||
联系电话: | 0532-86981579 | |||||
◎教育背景 | ||||||
1996-2000, 天津大学化学系,理学学士 2001-2004,天津大学化学系,理学硕士 2004-2009,莱比锡大学化学与矿物学系,理学博士 | ||||||
◎工作经历 | ||||||
2011-,中国石油大学(华东)理学院/化学化工学院,副教授 2010-2011,中国石油大学(华东)理学院,讲师 2009-2010,莱比锡大学化学与矿物学系,博士后 | ||||||
◎研究方向 | ||||||
[1] 界面与胶体化学 [2] 多孔疏水材料 [3]石油胶体化学 | ||||||
◎科研项目 | ||||||
[1]稠油化学复合冷采驱油体系构建与协同作用机理,中国石油化工股份有限公司,在研,参与 [2]不同类型稠油乳化动力学机制及多相界面特征研究, 国家重点研发计划子课题, 在研,参与 [3]微介复合孔道SAPO-11的调控合成与介孔内反应物的传质机理研究,山东省自然科学基金委,在研,主持 [4]致密油储层CO2智能响应型压驱体系构筑及高效排驱机制研究山东省自然科学基金委重点项目, 在研,参与 [5]溶液表面性质之间的热力学关系研究, 山东省自然科学基金委,结题,主持 [6]两亲分子胶束导向合成微介复合分子筛与合成机理研究, 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,结题,主持 [7]反离子对离子型表面活性剂溶液表面张力的影响,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金,结题,主持; [8] 离子型表面活性剂水溶液表面分子结构研究-实验测定与分子动力学模拟,国家自然科学基金,结题,主持 | ||||||
◎代表性论文及专利 | ||||||
1. Silica Janus particle-based coating applicable to multiplesubstrates shows durable superhydrophobicity, wear resistance,and corrosion inhibition, Langmuir, 2025, 41: 4379-4387. 2. Fabrication of silica-based superhydrophobic coatings with remarkable wear resistance, corrosion inhibition ability and thermal stability, Applied Surface Science, 2025, 682(682): 161681. 3. High-performance MCNTs@MoS2(1-x)Se2x nanocomposites in catalytic hydrogen evolution, Electroanalysis, 2025, 37: e202400239. 4. Synthesizing hierarchically porous SAPO-11 with polyvinyl alcohol phosphates as mesopore template: effects of phosphorus content and concentration of templates, Journal of Porous Materials, 2024, 31:1945-1954. 5. Studying the effects of asphaltene oxidation on wax crystallization and rheological properties in waxy crude oils, Fuel, 2024, 362:130767. 6. Synthesis of SAPO-44/11 composite molecular sieves for n-hexane hydroisomerization, Journal of Porous Materials, 2024, 31:1945-1954. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10934-024-01734-1. 7. Dual-responsive emulsion system: Unraveling pH and host-guest interactions for emulsion stability and enhanced oil recovery, Colloids & Surfaces A, 2024, 684: 133253. 8. Hierarchical SAPO-11 molecular sieves prepared with the presence of designedly phosphorylated poly(vinyl alcohol)s, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63(6): 2657-2664. 9. 不同基质超疏水材料及其在油水分离中的应用, 石油化工, 2024, 53(3): 435-443. 10. 二氧化碳对稠油中沥青质分子聚集行为的影响, 油田化学, 2023, 40(1): 87-92; 11. Molybdenum disulfide composite materials with encapsulated copper nanoparticles as hydrogen evolution catalysts,RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 13393. 12. 分子动力学模拟研究二氧化碳对沥青质聚集的影响, 石油化工, 2022, 51(11): 1312-1316. 13. 增溶剂作用下二氧化碳在稠油中的溶解机理, 油田化学, 2022, 39(3): 449-454. 14. (1-Selenocyanatoethyl)benzene: a selenocyanation reagent for site-selective selenocyanation of inert alkyl c(sp3)-h bonds, Organic Letters, 2021, 23(18): 7156-7160. 15. Polyvinyl alcohol templated synthese of hierarchical SAPO-11, Materials Research Express, 2020, 7, 085009. 16. Dependence of surface tension on surface concentration of ionic surfactant solutions and the effects of supporting electrolyte, Tenside Surf. Det. 2019, 56: 484. 17. The dependence of surface tension on surface properties of ionic surfactant solution and the effects of counter-ions therein, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014, 16: 23386. 18. Surface concentration or surface excess, which one dominates the surface tension of multicomponent mixtures? Coll. Polym. Sci. 2018, 296:89. 19. Surface structure of aqueous ionic surfactant solutions and effects of solvent therein-a computer simulation study, Coll. Polym. Sci. 2016, 294: 575-581. 20. Molecular structure of ionic surfactant solution surface and effects of counter-ion therein-a joint investigation by simulation and experiment, Coll. Polym. Sci. 2015, 293: 3479-3486. 21. Using neutral impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy and angular resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to analyze surface structure of surfactant solutions, Coll. Polym. Sci. 2015, 293:1655-1666. | ||||||
◎代表性著作 | ||||||
1.《石油胶体化学研究新进展》,2024, 中国石油大学出版社。 | ||||||
◎获奖情况及荣誉称号 | ||||||
1.构建“五位一体”培养模式,建立“三方协同”培养机制,培养化学专业创新人才,中国石油大学(华东)教学成果二等奖,1/9,2023. 2.学科交叉牵引、科教融合驱动的能源特色数理化研究生培养模式构建与实践,山东省教学成果二等奖,6/9, 2022. | ||||||
◎执教课程 | ||||||
研究生: 《高等物理化学》 本科生:《物理化学》、《表面活性剂化学》、专业外语 | ||||||
◎招收及指导研究生情况 | ||||||
1. 指导研究生情况:指导化学专业硕士研究生与化学工程专业学位研究生 2. 招生专业及要求:化学化工类本科毕业生。 | ||||||
◎学术兼职 | ||||||
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