
























[1] 功能纳米材料可控构筑及环境监测、催化应用等研究

[2] 界面吸附规律及应用研究


[1] 基于缓蚀应用的氮杂环类表面活性剂分子构筑与吸附性能研究,国家自然科学基金,主持;

[2] 表面活性剂在酸性溶液中对碳钢的缓蚀性能与机理研究,山东省自然科学基金,主持;


[4] DNA功能化荧光金纳米簇的可控制备及其在金属离子检测中应用,中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金,主持;

[5] DNA凝聚剂及其生物学效应研究,中国石油大学(华东)人才引进项目,主持;

[6] CO2活性体系提高陆相富有机质页岩油采收率机理研究,国家自然科学基金,骨干;

[7] 赖氨酸谷氨酸二肽自组装凝胶体系的超分子手性及生物效应研究,国家自然科学基金,骨干;

[8] 含多价适配体的长链DNA负载金纳米粒子靶向检测癌细胞的研究,山东省自然科学基金,骨干



[1] Xia Zhang, Xia Liu, Zijie Qu, Luyao Zang, Guodong Zhang, Xiufeng   Wang, Fang Wang, Zhiqing Zhang, Ting Zhou*, Facile and durable construction   of superhydrophobic cellulose-deposited membrane for efficient oil–water   separation, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2025, 363, 132124.

[2] Ting Zhou *, Luyao Zang, Junjie Sun, Xia Zhang, Zijie Qu, Xia Liu,   Guodong Zhang, Xiufeng Wang, Fang Wang, Zhiqing Zhang *, Encapsulating   GSH-Au/Ag NCs in ZIF-8 with improved fluorescence for the specific   identification and detection of 4-nitrophenol utilizing inner filter effect,   Colloid Surface A, 2025, 705, 138999.

[3] Ruyan Zhang, Ting Zhou* Xiaobing Huo, Huan Du, Gan Ning, Tianxin   Weng, Xiufeng Wang, Guodong Zhang, Fang Wang, and Zhiqing Zhang*, A   multifunctional DNA nanoassembly for cancer cell detection and combined   gene−chemotherapy therapy, Langmuir, 2024, 26033.

[4] Wenjing Li, Ting Zhou*, Weizhen Sun, Mengting Liu, Xiufeng Wang,   Fang Wang, Guodong Zhang, Zhiqing Zhang *, A conjugated aptamer and   oligonucleotides-stabilized gold nanoclusters nanoplatform for targeted   fluorescent imaging and efficient drug delivery, Colloid Surface A, 2023,   657, 130521.

[5] Hong Wang, Ting Zhou*, Wenjing Li, Zhen Wang, Yanbing Liu, Fang   Wang, Xiufeng Wang, Guodong Zhang, Zhiqing Zhang*, Homocytosine-templated   gold nanoclusters as a label-free fluorescent probe: Ferrous ions and glucose   detection based on Fenton and enzyme-Fenton reaction, Colloid Surface A,   2021, 628, 127229.

[6] Ting Zhou*, Chenqi Zhang, Hong Wang, Xuefeng Kang, Zhiqing Zhang*,   Fang Wang, Xiufeng Wang, and Guodong Zhang, Comparison Investigation on the   Adsorption Affinity of DNA Molecules to the Gold Surface Based on the Kinetic   and Thermodynamic Analysis of 4-Nitrophenol Reduction, J. Phys. Chem. C 2020,   124: 4595.

[7] Ting Zhou, Jing Yuan, Zhiqing Zhang, Xia Xin, Guiying Xu*, The   comparison of imidazolium Gemini surfactant [C14-4-C14im]Br2   and its corresponding monomer as corrosion inhibitors for A3 carbon steel in   hydrochloric acid solutions: Experimental and quantum chemical studies,   Colloid Surface A, 2019, 575, 57.

[8] Ting Zhou, Tingting Liu, Zhiqing Zhang*, Guodong Zhang, Fang Wang,   Xiufeng Wang, Shuzhen Liu, Hongzhi Zhang, Shanshan Wang, Jie Ma, Investigation   on catalytic properties of au nanorods with different aspect ratios by   kinetic and thermodynamic analysis, J. Solid State Chem. 2018, 263, 11.

[9] Ting Zhou, Zhiqing Zhang, Xuemei Zhang, Chen Wang, Guiying Xu,   Yanlian Yang, Self-assembled Chiral Nanostructures of Amphiphilic Peptide:   From Single Molecule to Aggregate, J. Pept. Sci., 2017, 23, 803.

[10] Ting Zhou, Jing Yuan, Yijian Chen, Xia Xin, Yebang Tan, Guiying Xu,   Surface Rheological Properties of Hydrophobically Modified Polyacrylamide and   Imidazolium Surfactant SystemsJ. Surfact.   Deterg., 2017, 20, 529.

[11] Ting Zhou, Guiying Xu, Aggregation Behaviors of Ionic Liquid based   Gemini Surfactants and their Interaction with Biomacromolecules, John Wiley   & Sons, Inc., 2015, 127.

[12] Ting Zhou, Axel Llizo, Ping Li, Chenxuan Wang, Yuanyuan Guo, Mingqi   Ao, Linling Bai, Chen Wang, Yanlian Yang, and Guiying Xu. High Transfection   Efficiency of Homogeneous DNA Nanoparticles Induced by Imidazolium Gemini   Surfactant as Nonviral Vector, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 26573.

[13] Ting Zhou, Axel Llizo, Chen Wang, Guiying Xu, and Yanlian Yang.   Nanostructure-induced DNA condensation, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 8288.

[14] Ting Zhou, Mingqi Ao, Guiying Xu, Teng Liu, and Juan Zhang.   Interactions of bovine serum albumin with cationic imidazolium and quaternary   ammonium gemini surfactants: Effects of surfactant architecture, J. Colloid   Interf. Sci. 2013, 389,175.

[15] Ting Zhou, Guiying Xu, Mingqi Ao, Yanlian Yang, and Chen Wang. DNA   compaction to multi-molecular DNA condensation induced by cationic   imidazolium gemini surfactants, Colloids Surf. A 2012, 414, 33.

[16] Zhiqing Zhang*, Shanshan Wang, Jie Ma, Ting Zhou*, Fang Wang,   Xiufeng Wang, and Guodong Zhang, Rolling Circle Amplification-Based   Polyvalent Molecular Beacon Probe-Assisted Signal Amplification Strategies   for Sensitive Detection of B16 Cells, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2020, 6, 3114.

[17] Zhiqing Zhang*, Tingting Liu, Changle Yue, Shanshan Wang, Jie Ma,   Ting Zhou*, Fang Wang, Xiufeng Wang, Guodong Zhang, Label-free and   ultrasensitive fluorescence assay for Fe3+ detection using   DNA-Templated Ag nanoclusters, Colloid Surface A, 2019, 579, 123656.

[18] Zhiqing Zhang*, Shuzhen Liu, Ting Zhou*, Hongzhi Zhang, Fang Wang,   Guodong Zhang, Xiufeng Wang, and Tingting Liu, Salt-Induced Assembly   Transformation of DNA−AuNP Conjugates Based on RCA Origami: From Linear   Arrays to Nanorings, Langmuir 2018, 34: 8904.


[1] 周亭,张霞,王虹,王一蕾,张志庆,DNA-AuNCs催化降解有机污染物综合性实验, 实验技术与管理, 2024, 41, 114

[2] 周亭,李文静,王芳珠,张予辉, 多层次一体化物理化学实验教学模式的构建与探索, 广东化工, 2022, 9, 201

[3] 周亭,陈俊峰, 张志庆,张国栋,王芳珠,短链醇溶液表面张力及表面吸附测定的实验研究, 实验室研究与探索, 2019, 381:22-25

[4] 周亭,杨世超,张志庆,咪唑啉表面活性剂的制备及吸附性能研究,实验室研究与探索,2019385:14-18

[5] 周亭,刘淑贞,杨涛瑞,陈天银,张志庆,金纳米颗粒的制备及性能研究在综合性实验教学中的应用,实验技术与管理,2019364:57-62

[6] 周亭,杨世超,张志庆,张国栋,王芳珠,张予辉,王芳,王秀凤,芘荧光探针法测定表面活性剂聚集体参数实验研究,实验技术与管理,2018351):53-56

[7] 周亭,王芳珠,张志庆,张国栋,王秀凤,张予辉,王长崴,工科非化学类专业物理化学的教学设计与实践,大学化学,201833 (12) 1-7


[1] 阳离子型咪唑Gemini表面活性剂[Cn-s-Cnim]Br2在基因转染中的应用,授权专利号:ZL201210404508.9

[2] 原油破乳剂及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201710041384.54/6

[3] 原油降凝剂及其制备方法,授权专利号ZL 201710052068.8, 4/6

[4] 一种分子信标、其构建方法及应用,授权专利号ZL 202010694129.26/7


[1] 《胶体与界面科学》,副主编,中国石油大学出版社,石油高等教育十三五规划教材


[1] 校优秀本科学位论文指导教师,1/1, 20212023年;

[2] “全国高等学校物理化学(含实验)教学微课大赛二等奖,1/1, 2018年;

[3] 校教师教学创新大赛三等奖,1/4, 2023

[4] 校首届学习性教学技能大赛中,获得理论考试和课程实践二等奖,1/4,2018年;

[5] “原油破乳剂及其制备方法”获得中国石油和化学工业联合会专利优秀奖,4/6, 2021年;

[6] “两亲嵌段共聚物的胶束自组装及其载体应用获青岛市黄岛区科学技术二等奖, 3/5, 2015年;

[7] 第十二届东方胶化杯全国胶体与界面化学奖三等奖, 1/1, 2014

[8] 3次获学校十佳百优班主任, 201820222023


[1] 主讲本科生《物理化学》、《物理化学实验》、《研究性化学实验》等课程;

[2] 指导本科生获校优秀毕业论文2篇,指导大学生创新训练项目8项(国家级大创1项)







[1] 中国化学会(CCS)会员;

[2] Journal of   Colloid and Interface ScienceColloid   Surface ASCI期刊审稿人



【作者:   审核:】