

















2008-2012, 中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院应用化学系,理学学士

2012-2015, 中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院,工学硕士

2016-2021, 中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院,工学博士


2021-2024, 化学化工学院应用化学系,师资博士后

2024-至今    化学化工学院应用化学系,特任副教授



[1] 油系中间相沥青、可纺各向同性沥青以及包覆沥青等制备技术基础研究

[2] 高性能沥青基碳纤维、通用级沥青基碳纤维以及木质素碳纤维制备技术基础研究

[3] 沥青基硬碳、针状焦、锂离子电池用负极焦、中间相炭微球以及硅碳负极材料的制备技术基础研究


[1] 山东省“泰山学者”青年专家计划(No.tsqn202312135),重质油转化过程碳质中间相理论和中间相炭素材料制备新技术基础研究(2024-2026),在研,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上基金(项目批准号:22478433),基于液晶分子与溶剂分子调配与重构策略调控中间相沥青溶致液晶行为及其熔融纺丝特性研究(2025-2028),在研,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(项目批准号:22108309),基于炭化过程分子结构管理和相分离行为调控的中间相结构演化机制研究(2022-2024),结题,主持。

[4] 中国石油科技创新基金(项目批准号:2023DQ02-0405),高性能沥青基碳纤维制备过程中间相结构构筑及其熔纺取向调控工艺研究(2023-2026),在研,主持。


[6] 中国石油大学(华东)自主创新科研计划项目(青年基金)(项目批准号:21CX06046A),劣质催化油浆定向裂解脱固及用于制备针状焦的基础研究(2021-2023),在研,主持。

[7] 山东省重大创新工程(项目批准号:2020CXGC010308):超高功率电极用低CTE值针状石油焦制备关键技术开发与产业化(2020-2023),在研,参与。

[8] 中国海洋石油集团公司重点攻关项目(项目批准号:HXCF-190953, 可纺中间相沥青制备用精制原料研究(2019-2021),结题,参与。



[1] Weichao   Chou, Pingping Lu, Bin Lou*,   Weizhen Li, Chongchong Wu, Peng Wu, Zhuowu Men, Dong Liu*. Pt/CeCrO2-x: a   multifunctional catalyst for tandem catalysis of lignocellulose   hydro-liquefaction and Guerbet reaction [J]. Applied Catalysis   B-Environmental, 2024, 342: 123320.

[2] Xin Xue,   Xiao Liu, Bin Lou*, Yuanxi   Yang, Nan Shi, FuShan Wen, Xiujie Yang, Dong Liu*. The mitigation of   pitch-derived carbon with different structures on the volume expansion of   silicon in Si/C composite anode [J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023,   84: 292-302.

[3] Xin Xue, Bin Lou*, Chongchong Wu,   Weiwei Pang, Jichang Zhang, Nan Shi, Zhuowu Men, Fushan Wen, Xiujie Yang,   Jing Wu, Lingyan Tian, Dong Liu*. The impact of carbon material   microstructure on li-ion storage behaviors of Si in Si/C anodes [J]. Chemical   Engineering Journal, 2024, 488: 150936.

[4] Bin Lou*, Jichang Zhang, Jun   Li, Weichao Chou, Luning Chai, Lingyan Tian, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaoqiao Huang,   Dong Liu*. Phase transition behavior and mesophase aging phenomenon during   liquid-state carbonization of FCC decant oil [J]. Fuel, 2024, 358:   130181.

[5] Bin Lou, Dong Liu*, Yu Qiu,   Yue Fu, Shuhai Guo, Ran Yu, Xin Gong, Zhichen Zhang, Xiaoyu He. Modified   effect on properties of mesophase pitch prepared from various two-stage   thermotreatments of FCC decant oil [J]. Fuel, 2021, 284: 119034.

[6] Bin Lou, Dong Liu*, Yue Fu, Ning   Zhao, Zhiheng Li, Ran Yu, Shuhai Guo, Wei Zhu, Jian Dong. Investigation on   the development and orientation of mesophase microstructure during the   two-stage pyrolysis of FCC decant oil [J]. Fuel, 2020, 263:   116626.

[7] Luning   Chai, Bin Lou*, Jun Li,   Yanjun Liu, Zhichao Wang, Xiaoguang Pei, Liekui Cai, Dong Liu*. Insight into   the reactivity of aromatic-rich fractions cocarbonized with polyethylene glycol for   preparation of isotropic pitch with superior spinnability [J].   Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 237: 107433.

[8] Zhichen   Zhang, Bin Lou*, Ning Zhao,   Enqiang Yu, Zenghao Wang, Hui Du, Zhaojun Chen, Dong Liu*. Co-carbonization   behavior of the blended heavy oil and low temperature coal tar for the   preparation of needle coke [J]. Fuel, 2021, 302: 121139.

[9] Dong Liu#,   *, Bin Lou#,   Guangkai Chang, Yadong Zhang, Ran Yu, Zhiheng Li, Chongchong Wu, Min Li,   Qingtai Chen. Study on effect of cross-linked structures induced by oxidative   treatment of aromatic hydrocarbon oil on subsequent carbonized behaviors [J].   Fuel,   2019, 231: 495-506.

[10] Jun Li, Bin Lou*, Luning Chai, Yue Fu,   Ran Yu, Xin Gong, Dong Liu*. Influence of boron trifluoride complex addition   on structure and composition of mesophase pitch from FCC decant oil via   two-stage thermotreatment [J]. Fuel, 2022, 325: 124801.

[11] Bin Lou*, Jichang Zhang, Jun   Li, Luning Chai, Nan Shi, Fushan Wen, Xiujie Yang, Xiaoqiao Huang, Lingyan   Tian, Dong Liu*. Comparative study on devolatilization behavior,   microstructural evolution and resultant properties during calcination of   petroleum coke with distinct mesophase texture [J]. Journal of Analytical and   Applied Pyrolysis, 2024, 177: 106329.

[12] Zhichen   Zhang#, Bin Lou#,   Shuhai Guo, Wei Zhu, Meixia Gu, Xiaoqiao Huang, Dong Liu*Study on preparation   of composite carbon rod for high-power electrode from coke with different   structural characteristics [J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,   2022, 165: 105551.

[13] Jun Li, Bin Lou*, Luning Chai, Jichang   Zhang, Yue Fu, Keyu Chen, Lingyan Tian, Nan Shi*, Fushan Wen, Xiujie Yang,   Dong Liu*. The effect of boron trifluoride complex on the preparation of   mesophase pitch from FCC decant oil fractions with different compositions and   molecular structures [J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,   2023, 176: 106273.

[14] Bin Lou, Dong Liu*, Ming Li, Xulian   Hou, Wenqian Ma, Renqing Lv. Modified effects of additives to petroleum pitch   on the mesophase development of the carbonized solid products [J]. Energy   & Fuel, 2016, 30: 796-804.

[15] Bin Lou, Dong Liu*, Yajing Duan,   Xulian Hou, Yadong Zhang, Zhiheng Li, Zhaowen Wang, Ming Li. Structural   modification of petroleum pitch induced by oxidation treatment and its   relevance to carbonization behaviors [J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(9):   9052-9066.

[16] Dong   Liu*, Bin Lou, Ming Li, Fengjiao   Qu, Ran Yu, Yuanxi Yang, Chongchong Wu. Study on the preparation of mesophase   pitch from modified naphthenic vacuum residue by direct thermal treatment. Energy   & Fuels, 2016, 30(6): 4609-4618.


[1] 娄斌, 刘东. 一种低成本制备可纺中间相沥青的方法 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL202210229316.2, 2022-10-25.PCT国际专利)

[2] 娄斌, 刘东, 师楠, 温福山. 一种溶剂化中间相沥青及其制备方法、高性能沥青基碳纤维及其制备方法 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL202111101737.9, 2022-06-03.

[3] 娄斌,刘东, 师楠, 温福山. 一种制备高品质中间相沥青联产可纺各向同性沥青的反应系统和方法 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL202210229310.5, 2022-11-25.PCT国际专利)

[4] 娄斌, 刘东, 温福山, 师楠. 一种流化焦化和延迟焦化组合制备低热膨胀系数针状焦的方法 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL202111101730.7, 2023-1-13.

[5] 刘东,   娄斌, 龚鑫. 一种生产优质针状焦的连续工艺 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL201910336187.5, 2021-05-04.(已许可实施转化)

[6] 刘东,   娄斌, 李骏, 项在金, 龚鑫, 温福山, 师楠, 殷长龙, 杨修洁, 陈坤, 王昊喆, 丑维超, 刘晓, 尹晓霜, 周广雪, 郭永, 冯敬高. 一种中间相沥青和沥青基碳纤维的制备工艺 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL202110043927.3,   2022-07-29.

[7] 刘东,   娄斌, 于庆生, 师楠, 温福山, 殷长龙, 杨修洁. 一种精制原料油制备中间相沥青的连续工艺 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL202110043950.2,   2022-04-15.

[8] 刘东,   娄斌, 陈朋, 杨远兮, 吴中华, 郭爱军, 殷长龙, 陈坤, 吴萍萍, 夏薇, 李明, 于冉, 李志恒, 何笑雨, 于洋, 马倩倩, 陈鹏, 赵明. 一种重质油制备优质针状焦的连续工艺 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL201610920008.9, 2018-09-11.

[9] 刘东,   娄斌, 陈鹏, 杨远兮, 张亚东, 李明, 李敏, 陈清泰, 于冉, 李志恒, 何笑雨, 于洋,马倩倩, 陈朋, 万新. 一种中间相沥青制备优质针状焦的连续工艺 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL201610921316.3, 2019-05-21.

[10] 陈坤,   娄斌,孔德辉, 夏薇, 刘贺, 黄兴毅, 宋政逹, 王宗贤, 郭爱军, 刘东, 于冉. 一种用于重质油热反应过程中黏度的测定装置及其测定方法 [P]. 中国发明专利: ZL201510608348.3, 2018-06-26.

[11] Dong Liu, Xin Gong, Bin Lou,   Jun Li, Zhihao Li, Nan Shi, Fushan Wen, Hui Du, Zhaojun Chen, Changlong Yin,   Xiujie Yang, Luning Chai, Zhichen Zhang, Enqiang Yu, Yu'e Fu, Huizhi Yuan,   Jianguo Zhang, Zhiqing Ma, Chong Jiao, Yonggang Cao. Preparation methods of   high modulus carbon fiber (HMCF) and precursor (mesophase pitch (MP)) thereof   [P]. 美国专利: US11149361B1, 2021-10-19.

[12] Dong Liu, Xin Gong, Bin Lou,   Jun Li, Hui Du, Zhihao Li. Method for preparation needle coke for ultra-high   power (UHP) electrodes from heavy oil [P]. 美国专利: US11286425B2, 2022-03-29.




[1] 山东省“泰山学者”青年专家。

[2] 娄斌(2/10;重油协同生物质供氢焦化联产生物焦炭技术,山东省科技进步二等奖,2023年。

[3] 娄斌(2/8);油系中间相沥青与高模量沥青基碳纤维生产成套技术,   中国石油和化学工业联合会, 技术发明二等奖, 2021年。

[4] 娄斌(2/9);生物质协同劣质重油供氢焦化联产生物焦炭技术与应用, 中国化工学会, 技术发明二等奖,   2021年。

[5] 娄斌(9/10);劣质重油供氢减粘-深度热解组合工艺, 山东省科技进步二等奖, 2017年。

[6] 娄斌(9/11);三三三”产教研协同,提升化工类研究生创新能力,中国石油和化工教育教学优秀成果,“二等奖,2022年。

[7] 娄斌(15/15);基于产教融合的“中石大-京博一流化工人才联合培养模式的构建与实践,石油高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,2024年。








[1] 学术型:化学工程与技术

[2] 专业型:化学工程





【作者:   审核:】